The College Book Art Association (CBAA) has organized a four-year digital and traveling exhibit of artist books and zines based on social justice themes. The two-part exhibit is comprised of 1) an open-call digital archive, housed on the CBAA website, of single-page zines, and 2) a traveling exhibit of artist books and prints along with zines curated from the collection.
CBAA's mission is to support and promote academic book arts education by fostering the development of its practice, teaching, scholarship, and criticism. Rising Together manifests this mission by giving our members a platform to respond to the exhibit's themes and by opening up dialogue both within and between the exhibit’s multi-regional institutional hosts. The vision behind Rising Together is nonpartisan, and the works included encompass a range of viewpoints and voices, demonstrating to the broader community that artist books and zines are powerful agents in effecting positive social change.
Click here for more information on the Artist Book Exhibition.
Click here for more information on the Zine Archive.
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