Save the Date!
CBAA National Conference,
June 5-7, 2025
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Madison, Wisconsin

Embracing the Tangible: Fostering Interdisciplinary Connections in Book Art

In a digital age where screens dominate our interactions, the material book stands as a testament to the enduring power of the tangible. This conference theme invites participants to explore the palpable allure of book art and its capacity to bridge diverse disciplines. We invite proposals for papers, pre-formed panels and demonstrations that examine book art through an interdisciplinary lens highlighting connections and collaborations between book art and disciplines ranging from literature, music, and visual arts to science and technology and beyond. In addition, the conference will include a juried CBAA members exhibition, members showcase, and a vendor fair.

Possible paper topics include:

  • The haptic experience of artist's books: exploring the sensory dimensions of touch, texture and materiality
  • Interdisciplinary approaches to book art: bridging connections between the book form and literature, visual arts, technology, the sciences, and other disciplines
  • Traditional techniques and new technologies: examining how digital tools and processes are reshaping the artist's book
  • Cultural and environmental influences on book art: considering the impact of heritage, sustainability, and global perspectives on contemporary book art practices.

Call for papers will open on September 1, 2024
Call for entries for the Juried Members Exhibition will open on October 1, 2024

Information about travel and accommodations will go up on the CBAA website in the near future!

About CBAA

The College Book Art Association is a non-profit organization fundamentally committed to the teaching of book arts at the college and university level, while supporting such education at all levels, concerned with both the practice and the analysis of the medium. It welcomes as members everyone involved in such teaching and all others who have similar goals and interests. The association aims to engage in a continuing reappraisal of the nature and meaning of the teaching of book arts. The association shall from time to time engage in other charitable activities as determined by the Board of Directors to be appropriate.

The association is governed by a Board of Directors elected by the membership. Membership in the association is open to all persons interested in book arts education and the furtherance of these arts. The geographical area covered by the organization shall include, but is not limited to all residents of North America.

CBAA currently has 568 members. The 2025 CBAA National Conference will be the first in-person conference of the organization since 2020. We anticipate a return to our usual attendance of between 200-300 participants.

Bill Stewart Award 2023 Recipient

Congratulations to Radha Pandey!

Radha Pandey is a papermaker and letterpress printer. She earned her MFA in Book Arts from the University of Iowa Center for the Book. She specializes in Indo-Islamic Papermaking and teaches book arts classes in India, Europe and the US.

Read about and view images of Radha's project here.

Looking to great way to volunteer and support CBAA?

We are looking to fill the following vacancies:

  • Treasurer
  • Layout Editor for the CBAA Opening! Journal
  • Development, Chair
  • Communications Committee, Vice Chair for Member Relations
  • Nominations and Membership Committee, Members

Click here for more information about these important positions.


Please see the CBAA Event Calendar for a full list of postings.



now MIT Press is 

Read the most recent posts from our BOOK ART THEORY blog here.


María Carolina Ceballos is the featured artist this month.



CBAA Postcard.pdf



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